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How do I order something to be shipped to your address?

Use the following format for your shipping address:
First Name, Last Name
373 W Stutsman Street
Pembina, ND 58271

PLEASE DO NOT include ‘In care of Mike’s Parcel’ or ‘Mike’s Parcel’ on the shipping address. Shipper’s will often eliminate the customer’s name in this case with the result that we do not know who the package belongs to when we receive it.


What do I need to bring my parcels back through Canadian Customs?

You will need your receipts from the store/seller showing your purchase price and description. Based on our observations, not all parcels have the receipt included in the box/package, therefore, we suggest printing out your receipt when you complete your purchase online, or when you receive order confirmation via email.

Do I need to register before I use your service?

No, it’s not necessary. We record every parcel by the name of the customer. However, if you would like notification by email when your parcel(s) arrive, please register with us by filling out the form on the account page. Setup your account one time and you will receive an automatic email for every parcel that gets scanned upon arrival.

Can someone else pickup my parcel for me?

Yes, however, they will need a confirmation that you have given permission for them to pick up on your behalf. They can bring the email notification received from us or a written note from you. Additionally, having the tracking number(s) for the items they are picking is extremely helpful. Don’t forget . . . they will also need the product receipt to show when passing back through Canadian customs.

Can I buy a car and have it delivered to Mike's Parcel?

Yes, of course!  In addition, as a U.S. based CERTIFIED AES agent, we can prepare all of the paperwork you will need to export your vehicle from the U.S.  This service includes obtaining an ITN (required for all vehicles leaving the US) and notification of US Customs.  This process requires 1 business to complete plus the legally required 72-hour advanced notice of U.S. Customs.  Any self propelled vehicle requires this particular paperwork to import into Canada.

How long can I leave my items at your warehouse?

By using our services at Mike’s Parcel, you acknowledge that all storage fees will be recharged for any items not picked up after 90 days. Any items left for 180 days become the property of Mike’s Parcel and will be disposed of at our discretion unless previous arrangements have been made.

*All regular parcels will be held for 90 days after which they are subject to overdue fees equaling the initial storage fee. After 180 days, all regular parcels become the property of Mike’s Parcel unless prior arrangements have been made.

**All pallets/heavy parcels will be held for 30 days after which they are subject to overdue fees of $2.00/day. After 180 days, all pallets/heavy parcels become the property of Mike’s Parcel unless prior arrangements have been made.

DISCLAIMER: For dangerous goods, flammable materials, or goods that need special handling (eg. temperature controlled storage), please contact us to make special arrangements. Inspection of any goods on our premises by either US Customs & Border Protection or Canada Customs is welcomed at any time. We do not accept COD’s . We do our best when receiving, handling & storing your purchases. However, Mike’s is NOT liable for items that are damaged in the box; exposed or concealed. Please have insurance on your purchases in the event there is damage

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